

After all there paperwork is in order, Key Project wil be an official company, but attaining non-profit status will take at least 6 months after there paperwork is submitted.

With that being said, my goals are simple:

  1. I will dedicate 3 years of my life managing a case load of up to 6 people
  2. I will meet with these people no less than once a week to check in and set how things are going
  3. Do a community based event with said case load once a quarter or twice a year
  4. Set goals with people that fit my skillset and assist in achieving those goals
  5. Document all progress on any case in the back end of things
  6. Have all forms updated and in order for each client
  7. Be real with people on the case load

The end result is that all of these points are going to set the foundation for other people after the 3 year period is over. I will then start a fundraiser to hire people and train them on the fundamentals before setting up their own case loads. After that is finished, I will start development on Phase II of Key Project.


Goals & Ideas

If the mission statement for Key Project is “Improving the quality of life for people on the streets” then the question could be “how?”.

The goal is to get people on the streets connected to services in the Portland area; and to take people out on trips to go hiking, the beach, camping, or to the mountains. Giving people healthy life experiences is a great way to improve someones quality of life.

In a different post, I will outline what my immediate goals for Key Project are.
