After all there paperwork is in order, Key Project wil be an official company, but attaining non-profit status will take at least 6 months after there paperwork is submitted.
With that being said, my goals are simple:
- I will dedicate 3 years of my life managing a case load of up to 6 people
- I will meet with these people no less than once a week to check in and set how things are going
- Do a community based event with said case load once a quarter or twice a year
- Set goals with people that fit my skillset and assist in achieving those goals
- Document all progress on any case in the back end of things
- Have all forms updated and in order for each client
- Be real with people on the case load
The end result is that all of these points are going to set the foundation for other people after the 3 year period is over. I will then start a fundraiser to hire people and train them on the fundamentals before setting up their own case loads. After that is finished, I will start development on Phase II of Key Project.